Hotel Ugly Tour 2022

Hotel Ugly Tour 2022 – NHMO: Hi guys, nice talking to you today. Well, first, “Who is Hotel Ugly” according to you?

Hotel Ugly: I would say that Hotel Ugly is the pinnacle of the product of musical passion that we have created. From music to creating anything and everything for the band, it’s a part of us and we try to keep it as authentic as possible to who we really are. This is us, personified through music.

Hotel Ugly Tour 2022

Hotel Ugly: The band’s name is based on a real hotel located in downtown Bryan, Texas. Although the name of the actual hotel is not Hotel Ugly, it was a big inspiration for the name. The reason we chose “Hotel Ugly” is a secret we haven’t revealed yet. We like to keep it a secret to keep the secret of the name alive.

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Hotel Ugly: The Founding Group was originally formed in 2019 just as a way for us to collaborate artistically as brothers. We both longed musically for something new and real for us. As the music began to flow, it was natural to try to push out more and more tunes. We also just followed our dreams and hoped that one day we could make them come true.

Hotel Ugly: The group was originally formed in 2019 as a way for us to collaborate artistically as brothers. We both longed musically for something new and real for us. As the music began to flow, it was natural to try to push out more and more tunes. We also just followed our dreams and hoped that one day we could make them come true.

Hotel Ugly: So we’re brothers, same mom and dad. Mike had a good 3 years living in New Jersey before Chris was born. Just before Chris was born, our parents moved to Florida and we spent 9 years of our lives there. We moved to Houston around ’08/’09 and have called the Houston area home ever since. We both loved growing up in Texas where we both think when someone asks “where is home”.

NHMO: What were your favorite pastimes as a child? Favorite Christmas and why? I know, Christmas is far away.

This Is Not A Ugly Tour 2022

Hotel Ugly: Since we were young, music, sports and video games are our past. Eventually, we reached an age where we realized that music is not just a way to pass the time, but our dream lifestyle. Praise our father for trying to make us professional footballers like he was. We still have some time, maybe we can still do it if Dinamo wants to sign us.

Hotel Ugly: We have so many artistic influences, not only musically but in terms of the whole creation. Musically, there are so many, from Tame Impala to Guns and Roses. We try to draw inspiration from wherever we gravitate to. When it comes to image and creation, we absolutely love Tyler the Creator and Blink 182. Both have images and art that are so unapologetically “them”. Here’s hoping we get to show it off in our own ugly way.

Chris: Blink 182, I’ve easily listened to them almost every day since I was in 6th grade.

Chris: Mike and I were living together when the pandemic hit, so it almost brought us closer in a way and forced us to pick up tunes. Because we basically had to be isolated together, it meant that we were able to spend a lot of time together making music. It was definitely a tough time for all of us, but looking back, we managed to make the best of it and create some killer records.

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NHMO: Between the two of you, do you have any passions or obsessive interests outside of making music?

Hotel Ugly: We definitely have passions outside of music. At the end of the day, we are both creators. We’ve talked about possibly creating clothing lines, making movies, directing a movie, and a whole bunch of other things that revolve around us being able to use whatever creative mediums we can to express ourselves. As for hobbies, we both still love to play soccer, play video games, League of Legends, FIFA and Call of Duty are some of our favorites.

Hotel Ugly: A typical day in the studio is no day at all. Most of our best creative meetings happen late at night. It’s a completely different atmosphere then. We will spend from 1 to 12 hours creating songs, composing instruments and writing lyrics. Some days are more creative than others, but if the vibe is there, pull through the night and lock yourself in to finish the song.

Hotel Ugly: The craziest inspiration for a song would probably be one that we haven’t released yet. It was heavily inspired by images of Western folk tales with a super psychedelic twist. It was also one of the most fun to write because of the space we put ourselves in to inspire the lyrics. You really have to use your imagination for stuff like this and write from a fictional place in your head. We may or may not have a song about a model soon. But that’s all we can say about it (laughs).

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NHMO: You have a song called “Shut Up My Mom Is Calling” What do your parents think of your musical aspirations?

Hotel Ugly: Our parents are very supportive of our musical journey; they have always supported us and are our number one fans. Our dad even went on tour with us for our first 4 sold out shows. It’s super cool that they’re apart of that chapter of our lives.

Hotel Ugly: The first time our dad heard our music, it was great. His reaction when he heard his boys were making music and it was actually good is a memory we’ll both probably never forget. He was over the moon and has continued to support us ever since.

NHMO: People are getting excited about your music through streaming services like Spotify. What do you think resonates with new listeners?

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Hotel Ugly: Our only explanation for how we got so many new listeners is that the music must be pretty good (laughs). It’s good to know we’re doing something right, musically. Also, when the algorithm started picking up some of our songs, it really gave us exposure to gain listeners and fans organically, which we’re very proud of because at the time we barely had the budget to promote on Instagram, let alone a giant platform like Spotify. It’s a blessing and it all came naturally.

Hotel Ugly: Today we have a bunch of songs in the vault waiting to be released. We’re not quite sure how big of a project we want to do yet, but for now we’re pretty happy with releasing singles until we finally decide.

NHMO: A lot of the tracks we hear from you sound a lot like soundtracks. Will there be more visuals or short films in the near future?

Hotel Ugly: We’d love to do more visuals surrounding our songs, we have so many ideas we’re exploring. When we can expand that vision, we’d love nothing more than to have cinematic visuals to go hand-in-hand with our music. This is one of the many directions we hope to take Hotel Ugly in the future. We also have killer videography and a creative team waiting for the moment. Shout out to Adrian, Sammy and Purp!

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NHMO: Let’s talk about your upcoming show in Houston. But first, how would you both describe your relationship to the city?

Hotel Ugly: The Houston area is our home, where we spent most of our childhood and growing up. Unfortunately, the music scene for our genre is not that popular in Houston, but we hope to help pave the way and inspire other Houston musicians along the way. We love almost everything this city has to offer and want nothing more than to put it on the map when it comes to indie music.

Hotel Ugly: The Houston show was a dream come true, selling out Warehouse Live in our hometown was something we could never have dreamed of. The fans in Houston are amazing, some of the best crowd energy. We are so blessed to be transformed and to be loved by the people of Houston, and that is something we will both be forever grateful for. Our Houston viewers are not fans, they are family to us.

Hotel Ugly: A big shout out to our live drummer Raymon, a.k.a. Ray Ray, a.k.a. Big Sexy. Also, a big shout out to the rest of our studio family. Couldn’t have done it without the support of these guys, nothing but love! Thank you very much to everyone who listens to our music. You make it possible, we love each of you more than you know, and you all allow us to live our dreams! We love you!

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