Tips Traveling Untuk Ibu Hamil

Tips Traveling Untuk Ibu Hamil – You need to know when is the right time, body condition and transportation to be used for Christmas 2022 and New Year 2023 holidays.

Entitled “Maintaining a healthy body during the holidays and after the holidays” which was given by Bamed, on Thursday (12/15/2022) dr. Cherysa Rifiranda, Sp.OG. also shares advice for pregnant women who want

Tips Traveling Untuk Ibu Hamil

Therefore, in order to stay in a safe condition, pregnant women should know the correct travel tips, namely:

Tips Traveling Dengan Aman Saat Hamil

Also read: 4 tips to avoid being scammed by illegal travel agents for Christmas 2022 and New Year 2023 holidays

According to him, the use of two-wheelers for pregnant women is dangerous because it makes them prone to accidents and their position is unstable.

Apart from that, contractions can also appear in pregnancies of more than 28 weeks and the baby can be born prematurely.

Dr. Cherysa advised that pregnant women should also know whether they have health problems and a history of obstetrics, if there is a dangerous situation, they should not

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This is done to know the state of the pregnant woman, in addition to the fact that the doctor will also give the best advice and vitamins to protect the mother and the baby.

So, those are some safe Christmas 2022 and New Year 2023 holiday tips for pregnant women. Are you Puan friends ready for a pregnancy vacation?

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Everyone needs the holidays to relieve feelings of boredom and stress from daily activities, including pregnant women. Stress can be felt by both working pregnant women and housewives. However, pregnant women cannot be careless when going on vacation, remembering that they have to keep their uterus healthy. Here are some tips that can be done!

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Holidays can be entertainment for pregnant women. The reason is that various experts have mentioned that walking can be a medicine and help relieve stress. Some sources say that pregnant women are more susceptible to stress. To maintain a healthy pregnancy and ensure the development of the fetus, the expectant mother should not experience stress.

Therefore, mothers need some tips that they should apply if they want to go on vacation to maintain their pregnancy health. Here are the tips:

One of the tips that pregnant women should pay attention to is choosing an affordable tourist destination. Be sure to avoid traveling to places that take too long. To travel by plane, it should only take two to three hours. Don’t let pregnancy-related problems happen while you’re traveling.

Before the trip, pay attention to the intended area, it is good to make sure that the destination is safe for pregnant women, and the reach of the hospital is not too far if something unexpected happens. Aside from that, it’s also important to have obstetric exams and talk to your doctor about safety while on vacation.

Ini Syarat Aman Jika Ingin Naik Pesawat Saat Hamil

Be sure to make good plans making the best use of your time so that the holidays run smoothly. Make a list of all the items you need and want to keep safe. Make sure that all the lists that have been written have been prepared correctly the day before the trip. Also bring a copy of the pregnancy record in case the mother is not feeling well during the trip.

It is very important to consider the comfort of the mother on vacation, especially if she needs to walk a lot in tourist attractions. Be sure to wear sports shoes that can support her feet properly, so her feet won’t get injured or swollen easily. Also be sure to pack a variety of clothes that can keep mom cool in hot weather and layer clothing in cold weather.

During the pregnancy, the mother may not be able to take a vacation like before the pregnancy. Mothers need to cut down on overly active activities such as going on adventures, relentless shopping or even walking long distances. Try to rest more and enjoy your vacation more relaxed.

So, those are some tips that mothers can apply if they want to travel during pregnancy. Be sure to apply the tips that have been mentioned so that the pregnancy stays healthy and comfortable. That way, the feelings of stress you feel can go away and the feelings of happiness can be felt. Have you ever heard the term babymoon? Yes, this is a kind of honeymoon but when the wife is pregnant. Many travel enthusiasts choose to have a babymoon several months before the birth because they think that after the birth they will not be able to travel together again. If you want to make a babymoon, it is a good idea to follow the following suggestions.

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Make sure that you and your partner have agreed to visit any location. You have to be sure that the destination you want to go to will be liked by both parties so that they can relax and enjoy their time together.

Long transit time or car travel time of more than 10 hours is not recommended. It’s a good idea to choose a location that doesn’t require too much effort. For example, you might be able to choose a location close to where you live, but you haven’t visited before.

The second trimester is the most comfortable time to travel. By this time, the nausea that appeared in the first trimester was gone. And that means you and your partner can enjoy a comfortable vacation for the next few weeks.

Traveling poses many obstacles for pregnant women. Safety is of the utmost importance, so be sure to talk to your doctor before booking tickets to Thailand (especially if you’re pregnant with more than one baby or at high riskā€”don’t be disappointed if the doctor doesn’t want you). walk away).

Ibu Hamil Juga Butuh Liburan, Ini 4 Tips Cerdasnya!

When researching where to go, find out about access to quality medical facilities near the area. Be sure to write down the contact information for the nearest hospital.

If you are traveling by plane, check with the airline you are using to make sure pregnant women can board the plane. Most doctors say that it is safe for pregnant women to fly up to 36 weeks into their pregnancy. Petapi airlines have various restrictions, including different policies for domestic and international travel. Cruise lines also have limits. Find out about this before ordering tickets.

If you drive, wear a seat belt with the shoulder strap across the clavicle and the lower strap under the stomach as low as possible on the hips. This will protect you and your stomach in the event of an accident. Pregnant women are also advised to maximize the distance between the body and the dashboard or steering wheel.

If you plan to go on a cruise, make sure there is a doctor on board. Many smaller ships (fewer than 100 passengers) do not have medical personnel.

Traveling Untuk Ibu Hamil Sebaiknya Mengikuti 7 Tips Berikut

No matter how you travel, try to get up and move every hour or two to help your circulation, and try not to cross your legs to reduce the risk of blood clots. Elevating your feet will also help prevent swelling and leg cramps. No problem! Whether by land, sea or air, it has been proven that the route to the right tourist destination can bring peace and pleasure to mothers-to-be.

If the pregnancy is healthy and does not imply copulation. Therefore, consult with your doctor before your trip to make sure that your state of health is really suitable for your trip.

And the feeling of fatigue that usually occurs at the age of 7-8 weeks of gestation should be noted and watched. These complaints can be even worse when you travel.

In Triesters three pregnancies often cause fatigue and a feeling of discomfort. The concern that usually arises during this trip to Triester is the delivery process that can come at any time.

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Fatigue and dizziness are common on car rides. Be sure to stop and rest periodically, and get enough.

Wear a seat belt during travel, with the belt placed over your shoulder, then across your chest and the belt under your stomach or across your thighs.

Consult the policies of the shipping company. Shipping companies normally have travel restrictions for pregnant women over 32 weeks gestation.

On a voyage that is expected to be quite long, also check whether there are any medical facilities or pregnancy assistance on board or at your destination. Carry medicine to prevent nausea during sea voyages.

Tips Traveling Saat Hamil (babymoon)

Check the airline’s policies. Most airlines prohibit pregnant women more than 36 weeks pregnant from traveling.

If the gestational age does not conflict with the regulations and you are allowed on the plane, make sure you choose the correct seat closest to the bathroom.

One more item that you cannot miss is special milk for pregnancy. You don’t have to worry anymore, because now PRENAGEN oy UHT netto 200 l chocolate flavor is available with a practical flavor

PRENAGEN o and UHT contain folate, oega-3, oega-6, and vitamin D. The combination of these nutrients has been shown to prevent birth defects, as well as support brain development, brain function, and the body of the fetus in the womb. matrix.

Tips Traveling Nyaman Khusus Ibu Hamil

Furthermore, with the infusion of PRENAGEN or UHT as recommended, the fetal bones and teeth will also grow more optimally. The bone density of pregnant women is also maintained,

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