Tips For Traveling With Baby

Tips For Traveling With Baby – We recently took Teagan on her first plane ride and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t have any worries before we boarded. What if he cries all the time? Can I trust the air on a plane during a pandemic? And how difficult is it to travel with all the things he needs?

Happy to report it was a success! Not only did we survive, I think he actually enjoyed it. He slept for most of the flight and the airlines were helpful with all the extra items we needed to check/gate check. I know that traveling with a baby for the first time can be a little (a lot) stressful, even for the most seasoned travelers, so I thought I’d share some tips that helped us get through our first vacation!

Tips For Traveling With Baby

Babies love routine and one of the best ways to give them that is to create consistency in location. If you choose a hotel with activities that can hold your attention for hours (even if it’s just access to a beach), then it allows the baby to become familiar with the area and hopefully feel comfortable.

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One of the reasons why flying with Teagan was so easy was that she slept through most of every trip. Our take-off times were so close that he usually took a nap to make it work. I know it’s not always a possibility, but if you have the flexibility, it’s worth trying to coordinate the two!

One of my friends was sweet enough to gift Teagan these noise canceling headphones for her first Gamecock tailgate later this year! But when we booked our flight, I thought they might help keep his ears from popping as the altitude changes. He wore them comfortably and even slept in them (although I took them off as soon as we hit the air and put them back on as we prepared to land). I can’t say for a fact that they did the trick, but he didn’t have any issues so they weren’t hurt!

Another way to prevent your baby’s ears from popping out is to feed during altitude changes. Of course, your baby dictates when you feed… not take-off. But try to cheer them up at the beginning of the flight so they have one less reason to be uncomfortable.

Because babies appreciate routine, packing familiar items they love at home gives them something to connect with. Pack your baby’s favorite toys, blankets, or other accessories. I made sure I packed toys from our Lovevery subscription. Not only does Teagan LOVE them, but they help build skills for her age. I also made sure there was room to put his Boppy in his checked bag (yes, he has his own) because he can’t sit up on his own very well, but he loves to stand up right! I also reviewed our The First Years travel bassinet as it proved to be very comfortable for overnight trips to Charleston or North Carolina!

Tips For Traveling With A Baby

I made sure I had enough Lysol wipes for the whole weekend and made an effort to wipe everything before he had access to it. Think: the armrests, window + tray on the plane, the tables we pull her stroller over when we eat, the dresser where we put a changing pad to change her, etc.

I have my own travel-sized items, so it only makes sense that Teagan has his. I stocked up on mini versions of products she already liked (tip: don’t try new products for the first time without them) and bought travel containers for items that didn’t come in smaller sizes (like his dish detergent or Aquaphor ).

One of my goals while traveling is to de-stress! I found one of the worst moments with Teagan was when she needed something I didn’t have. Then I scramble to find it or pick it up or whatever. Avoid this happening while on vacation by packing your diaper bag with EVERYTHING you will need, then bringing another set of those items to leave in the room (diapers, wipes, change of clothes, cream, etc.). I used her diaper bag as my personal item and carried a suitcase + checked bag for my belongings.

You know what they say: if you don’t plan you plan to fail. Think about your trip — what activities can you do? Where are you comfortable taking your baby to eat? Are you going to gate-check a car seat or rent one when you arrive? Trust me, I know taking care of other people is exhausting in general and throwing away a trip can be overwhelming. My advice is to try to make a point to enjoy it. You’re making memories, giving your baby new experiences, and living your life… and you deserve to find joy in that! I have always been a traveler. I know Bryce debuted once; he’s not slowing me down, if anything, he’ll be with me! In the last three months, he has been on ten flights!! He took his first flight at about 6 weeks, and we’ve been jet setting ever since. Flying with a baby can be scary at first, but it gets easier the more prepared you are

Traveling With A Newborn Baby

1. Pack Light Packing light is key, especially if you’re traveling alone with baby. There’s nothing worse than lugging around a million bags in addition to your baby. Be strategic and try to put everything you need for yourself and the baby in one suitcase. On quick weekend trips, I usually fit all of my gear and Bryce’s gear into one carry-on bag. For a longer trip of four days, a medium suitcase works perfectly. The key to packing light and compact is to use packing cubes. These are a MUST when packing for baby. Baby clothes are very small, so being able to fold them and put them in organized compartments makes packing a breeze. I also suggest getting a really good diaper bag. This will also be your second carry-on, so you’ll want to fit everything you need for baby in there. buybuy BABY has a great variety of diaper bags backpacks.

I don’t know what I would do without my Boppy baby carrier. I bought it at buybuy Baby. Wearing your baby allows you to stay hands-free when you travel, and it often puts your baby to sleep, which is a plus. I love wearing my baby while traveling through the airport because it eliminates the need to push around a stroller and makes me more mobile.

Another hands-free option I like is my fanny pack. I like to wear it around the airport so I can easily stick my plane ticket, phone, or anything else I need quick and easy access to. Wearing a fanny pack allows everything to be in your hands instead of shuffling through a purse.

4. Keep your baby’s birth certificate in a handy place on your phone. The first thing the airline service rep will ask when checking in for your flight is to provide proper identification for your baby. Instead of carrying a file and shuffling through papers; scan a copy of your baby’s birth certificate and save it to your phone. This will allow you to easily pull it up on your phone and show the airline rep. Once they’ve watched it, you can easily put your phone back in your fanny pack and be done!

Tips For Traveling With Kids

5. Gate check your stroller if you decide to bring a stroller/car seat, make sure to gate check it. Most airlines allow you to check your stroller for free. Also, if you get tired of carrying your baby, you have your stroller with you.

6. Wear the right nursing clothes If you are breastfeeding, wearing the right nursing clothes is key. This allows you to easily breastfeed your baby on the go, especially when you’re on a flight.

7. Get a window seat with your dominant chest closer to the window. This is a little tip that is necessary for me. I prefer to sit in the window seat because it gives a little more privacy when breastfeeding. Since my “favorite breast” to wear is my right, I will be sitting on the right side of the plane. When I’m breastfeeding, the baby is between me and the window and it’s easier for me to take it out and start feeding. Whereas if I was in the middle seat or in an aisle, the baby could kick the passengers sitting next to me, or fall into the aisle.

8. Always put the diaper bag under the seat in front of you. Especially if you’re sitting in a window seat, you’ll need to have quick and easy access to your essential diaper bag.

Traveling With Your Baby Or Toddler: 10 Tips

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