Tips Traveling Bawa Bayi

By | February 8, 2024

Tips Traveling Bawa Bayi – Whenever I hear the word travel with a baby, the first thing that comes to mind is, of course, ‘REPOT’! is not it? It’s normal if you think so. The reason is that traveling with a baby requires not only luggage but also additional preparations.

Back when we were still single, we could only travel with one backpack, but now everything feels like a dream. Traveling with a baby means having a big suitcase full of different baby items and needs.

Tips Traveling Bawa Bayi

In fact, it’s actually more practical. Because mom has two pairs of hands (and dad’s hands too!), she can freely hold the baby without being hindered by pulling on or carrying the suitcase.

Tips Perjalanan Jauh Dengan Bayi Jika Naik Kenderaan Awam

During the holidays, with minimal luggage, mothers and fathers can freely explore tourist attractions, take selfies, sample various cuisines on the roadside, and get on and off public transport such as buses and trains. So it feels more touristy, right?

How about you, are you interested in traveling with your baby like a backpacker? Before you try, consider what preparations you need to make first. Identify the personality of mother and baby

It is the nature of the mother and baby that goes with the baby. Are you easily anxious, scheming, and cautious? then travel style

Then check your baby’s personality as well. Even at just a few months old, you can tell if your baby is calm, likes to smile, and is the type to get along well with people who greet you. Babies of this type will have an easier time going on backpacker-style trips than babies with demanding, organized feeding schedules and travel.

Tips Liburan Bareng Bayi Yang Wajib Ibu Ketahui

No matter how luxurious the accommodation is, traveling with a baby requires the best health conditions for both mother and baby.

A few hours before departure, check that your baby is well, has a normal temperature, has no signs of a cold, has no irritable rash, and is not tired.

If everything is fine and mom is feeling well and in good shape, feel free to plan a backpacker-style trip with the baby.

Related article: Ready to go home with baby, here’s a list of things to prepare! Choose the ideal destination for your baby

Pengalaman Membawa Bayi Bepergian Jauh

That doesn’t mean mothers can choose any tourist destination they want. Still avoid places that require a challenge to explore, such as forests, mountains that require climbing, or other places subject to extreme weather.

This time the mother has to compromise with her baby’s needs. Choose a place that is baby-friendly, such as a quiet town or playground.

When traveling with infants. Even if they are not very active, babies need more equipment and loads than adults.

However, mothers can solve this problem so that their luggage can be more compact and fit all in one backpack.

Batas Usia Aman Bagi Bayi Untuk Dibawa Bepergian

1. You do not need to bring used baby items such as diapers from home. Bring enough for your travel needs and an extra day at your destination. Buy the rest at your local mart.

2. If your baby is still breastfeeding, you do not need to bring various feeding equipment such as bottles, formula, baby bottle cleaner, etc. Mom only needs to take her apron and she can breastfeed her baby anytime, anywhere.

On the other hand, once the baby starts eating solids, the mother can provide the baby with baby biscuits or ready-to-eat porridge for travel. The rest of MPASI’s ingredients can be easily found at various supermarkets or local eateries. Find out as much information as possible.

2. Forget strollers, high chairs and other bulky items. Sitting in a sling all day will not make your baby tired. Since you’re cuddling all day, it will be easier to organize. Hurt? Dad, change it to Dong!

Bawa Bekal Makanan Bayi Ketika Travel. Ini Tips Mudah Untuk Mama!

In fact, there is always the possibility of an ‘accident’ when a baby vomits, vomits or defecates on the road and their clothes get dirty and need to be replaced. But you don’t have to bring dozens of clothes to anticipate this, right?

Just because you’re on vacation doesn’t mean you can’t do laundry, right? If mom brings along a 100ml sleeping baby travel wash that fits in her bag, no problem. Detergents with Ingredients

It is a safe ingredient that has passed dermatological tests, so there is no need to worry about irritation to the baby’s skin. It contains antibacterial and antifungal ingredients, so your baby’s clothes won’t smell musty even during the holidays.

How to use it is also very practical and takes no time. Simply apply Slick Baby Travel Wash to stained clothes, scrub and rinse immediately without soaking. How about it, it’s really a solution to save on baby items, right?

Isti’adzah Rohyati: Tips Praktis Agar Bayi Tak Rewel Saat Mudik

Parenting Makes You Dizzy? So, ask your own questions and get answers from fellow parents and experts in the Asianparent app! Available on iOS and Andro Fathiannisa Gelasia (Icha) – now a litigation lawyer who has changed her profession, relocated to Bangkok with her husband to dedicate her time and energy to being her mother in her own home.

Her husband and I first brought Dhaulagiri to Indonesia by plane when he was 1 month and 7 days old. At the time, we were quite perplexed and confused because it was the first time for us, and especially for me, to take a baby less than 40 days old on an airplane. In Bangkok, according to the doctor’s recommendation, there are no obstacles for Dhaula to fly, and so far recommended by many people, there is no need to plug her ears.

If possible, it is recommended that Dhaulagiri actively use the muscles in the jaw and throat during takeoff and landing to avoid choking air when cabin pressure rises. However, doctors do not require it. Just in case, I still carry cotton wool rolled into small pieces for Dhaula’s ears. At night when Dhaula was sleeping, we deliberately bought tickets back to Indonesia. From 1 month old, Dhaula appreciates making sure she always goes to bed at the same time each night. He has been sleeping continuously since he was 4 months and 11 days old. Even now, I wake up 2-3 times every night, but I think I fell asleep in my room between 20 and 21.

Our first flying experience with Dhaula went smoothly. Dhaula cried for the first 20 minutes on the plane. Because his sleep was disturbed by the noise of the plane. Finally, on the way home, Daula panicked and couldn’t calm him down, so he ended up in Sukarno Hatta with Daula in his father’s arms. Dhaula’s ears were not stuffed with cotton or the milk he drank as planned, but fortunately Dhaula had no problems with his ears.

Traveling Berdua Dengan Bayi Dari Jakarta Ke Bandung

So far, Dhaula has flown 8 times, all without ear pads. If it is possible and Dhaula is awake, I will surely give him milk. But if not, his husband and I don’t force Dhaula to wake up and drink milk. The most memorable was the journey back to Bangkok from Korea when Daula was only 2.5 months old. We took an afternoon flight because there was no evening flight schedule. During the first two hours, Dhaula fell asleep soundly, but suddenly woke up because Dhaula had to defecate and her diaper leaked. haha. So I had to bathe Daula in the narrow airplane sink.

The point of my tip is that as a parent, you shouldn’t panic. Because, of course, your children will be embarrassed too. You don’t have to be too strict, the important thing is happiness. It’s normal for babies to cry during takeoff and landing on an airplane. Sometimes Dhaula cries too but his husband and I don’t care. Talking with the baby brought it happily. Fortunately, my husband is always on hand to take care of Daula, and he is an anti-panic type, so if I panic a little, he will help me relax again.

Bangkok’s pedestrian street status is not as developed as in other western countries. Roads are uneven and have many potholes and strollers are not available at all stations or terminals for public vehicles. I started using sling wraps when Dhaula was 2 weeks old, and the brand I used was Boba. It should be used by wrapping the body in a long cloth with stretchy material.

There is also a baby carrier from the Ergobaby brand, but Daula started using it when she was 2 weeks old. A sling wrap or baby carrier keeps both hands free for activities and Dhaula always sleeps better with both. Even at first, my husband used the ergo baby to help put Dhaula to sleep each night before putting her to bed. For walks, we recommend using a sling wrap or baby carrier.

Travel ? Anak Kecil ? No Problem !

Both are must-haves in my bag while in Korea and Koh Samui. It’s probably because the posture when Daula is holding me is like hugging my chest or my husband’s chest, so I fall asleep more comfortably. But now, my husband and I are limiting our use to going out and doing household chores like cooking and cleaning.

As for the stroller, I’m still wary of bringing either a sling wrap or baby carrier if I go out with the stroller, as Dhaula can’t sit still for too long and it’s comfortable to sit in the stroller. The stroller brand we use is a Babyzen yoyo that travels frequently, so my husband decided to invest in a stroller that is sturdy, light and small when folded. Yesterday when I traveled to Koh Samui during the Songkran holiday, I only used the stroller twice and the rest I used the boba or ergo. Road conditions in Koh Samui make strollers nearly unusable. Also, since the destination is an island, strollers are more likely to be used for walks around the hotel.

My tips